Item talk:Q143851

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Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) during the non-breeding season: Spatial segregation on a hemispheric scale

The nonbreeding distribution of Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) was documented using 19 data sets from 13 sites along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the Americas. Western Sandpipers showed latitudinal segregation with regard to sex and age. Females wintered farther south than males. A “U” shaped pattern was found with respect to age, with juveniles occurring at higher proportions at both the northern and southern ends of the range. Distribution of sexes might be affected by differences in bill length and a latitudinal trend in depth distribution of prey. For age class distribution, two different life-history tactics of juveniles might exist that are related to the higher cost of feather wear for juveniles compared to adults. Most juveniles complete three long-distance migrations on one set of flight feathers whereas adults complete two. Juveniles may winter either far north, thereby reducing feather wear induced by ultraviolet light, migration, or both, or far south and spend the summer on the nonbreeding area.

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