The following pages link to Zachary C. Johnson (Q47010):
Displayed 17 items.
- Shallow bedrock limits groundwater seepage-based headwater climate refugia (Q145703) (← links)
- Continental-scale analysis of shallow and deep groundwater contributions to streams (Q146249) (← links)
- Bedrock depth influences spatial patterns of summer baseflow, temperature and flow disconnection for mountainous headwater streams (Q150857) (← links)
- Landform features and seasonal precipitation predict shallow groundwater influence on temperature in headwater streams (Q156240) (← links)
- Puget Sound, WA Nutrient SPARROW Model (Q227349) (← links)
- Heed the data gap: Guidelines for using incomplete datasets in annual stream temperature analyses (Q260663) (← links)
- Inferring watershed hydraulics and cold-water habitat persistence using multi-year air and stream temperature signals (Q272409) (← links)
- Closing the gap between science and management of cold-water refuges in rivers and streams (Q279272) (← links)
- Paired Air and Stream Temperature Analysis (PASTA) to evaluate groundwater influence on streams (Q283779) (← links)
- Opportunities and challenges for precipitation forcing data in post-wildfire hydrologic modeling applications (Q286337) (← links)
- Integrated water resources trend assessments: State of the science, challenges, and opportunities for advancement (Q290157) (← links)
- Taking heat (downstream): Simulating groundwater and thermal equilibrium controls on annual paired air–water temperature signal transport in headwater streams (Q290509) (← links)
- Forecasting stream habitat and Brook Trout responses to climate change in Catoctin Mountain Park (Q296278) (← links)
- Paired air-water annual temperature patterns reveal hydrogeological controls on stream thermal regimes at watershed to continental scales (Q298142) (← links)
- Long-term monotonic trends in annual and monthly streamflow metrics at streamgages in the United States (Q319034) (← links)
- Stream heat budget model input and scripts for simulating groundwater and thermal equilibrium controls on annual paired air-water temperature signal transport in headwater streams (Q319053) (← links)
- Passive seismic data collected along headwater stream corridors in Shenandoah National Park in 2016 - 2020 (Q325959) (← links)