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 Biography: "Philippe Ciais studied Physics at Ecole Normale Sup\xE9rieure and received\
   \ a PhD in 1991 entitled \u201CHolocene climate record of Antarctic ice cores\u201D\
   . In 1992 he was a post-doctoral fellow at NOAA in Boulder, Colorado, and investigated\
   \ how 13C and 18O isotopes in atmospheric CO2 can be used to constrain terrestrial\
   \ carbon fluxes. He also designed the first three-dimensional simulation model\
   \ of 18O in CO2, an isotopic tracer of the water cycle coupled with CO2 uptake\
   \ by plant photosynthesis.\nAfter 1994, Philippe Ciais returned to France and\
   \ carried out research into the inverse modeling of CO2 and CH4 fluxes at the\
   \ surface of the Earth, based on transport models and a global network of surface\
   \ in-situ stations. The most important finding was that tropical land fluxes have\
   \ a dominating control on the global variability of the CO2 growth rate, while\
   \ wetland emissions control the variability control the CH4 growth rates. Under\
   \ the leadership of Philippe Ciais, this activity has been developed at LSCE into\
   \ a research team of 30 scientists. In parallel, Philippe Ciais led the building\
   \ of the French greenhouse gas atmospheric monitoring network, going from two\
   \ stations in 1992 to 25 stations today, and became a key component of the ICOS\
   \ European Infrastructure ( This line of research\
   \ was accompanied by the coordination of national and European projects: AEROCARB\
   \ and TACOS in FP-5, and the CARBOEUROPE atmospheric component in FP-6. \nFrom\
   \ 2005 to 2013, Philippe Ciais devoted his time to the coordination of the Integrated\
   \ Carbon Observation System (ICOS) large European research infrastructure. Going\
   \ from national and European auditions, to technical preparation work, and the\
   \ negotiation of the governance and funding leverage involving stakeholders and\
   \ ministry representatives in 17 countries, ICOS successfully became a flagship\
   \ research structure in the area of climate change, with a pre-operational network\
   \ of 60 stations and a turnover of 20 M\u20AC per year.  At that time, Philippe\
   \ Ciais also acted as co-chair of the GEO task force on integrated carbon observations.\n\
   Successively head of department, and associate director of the Laboratoire des\
   \ Sciences du Climat - LSCE between 2002 and 2017 he has been in charge of the\
   \ management and the development of the research strategy for about 100 people\
   \ for an annual budget of 10 M\u20AC across three tutelary institutions, the CEA\
   \ French Atomic Energy Commission, the CNRS National Research Council and the\
   \ UVSQ Universiy of Versailles St Quentin. \nPhilippe Ciais became co-chair of\
   \ the Global Carbon Project ( international\
   \ organization in 2009. He had the opportunity to contribute to several synthesis\
   \ of recent trends in the carbon cycle, characterized by the recent fast growth\
   \ of emissions and by a slowing trend of natural sinks, a finding that had a large\
   \ impact in the media. He also acted as Convening Lead Author of the IPCC Working\
   \ Group 1, for the Carbon Cycle chapter of the 5th IPCC Assessment Report.\nPhilippe\
   \ Ciais continued to have a research activity during the last twenty years, mainly\
   \ on the relationships between ecosystem CO2 fluxes and climate, combining terrestrial\
   \ biosphere models with satellite and eddy-covariance observations. He took part\
   \ in the set up and interpretation of one of the first coupled carbon-climate\
   \ simulation with the IPSL climate model, and pioneered the incorporation of cultivated\
   \ ecosystems into a terrestrial biosphere model. By combining eddy-flux and remote\
   \ sensing data, with models, Philippe Ciais analyzed the responses of temperate\
   \ forests to drought during the summer 2003 heat wave (Ciais et al. 2005; Nature)\
   \ and of boreal ecosystems during warmer autumns (Piao et al. 2008; Nature). These\
   \ two publications received a lot of citations. A striving collaboration with\
   \ Beijing University has been maintained with the SINO-FRENCH SOFIE research institute\
   \ led by Shilong Piao and Philippe Ciais (\n\
   Currently 52 years old, Philippe Ciais has contributed more than 600 publications\
   \ in A-ranking journals over the past 17 years. From the ISI web of science, his\
   \ H-index is 102. He was ranked as the most productive scientific author in the\
   \ field of climate change publications, and among the authors who contributed\
   \ to 5 of the 100 most influential papers in this field ("
 Credit Name: null
 - Department: physics
   Role: Aggregation
   end-date: 09/1989
   organization: "Ecole Normale Sup\xE9rieure de St Cloud"
   organization-address: St Cloud, FR
   start-date: 06/1986
   url: null
 Emails: []
 - Department: null
   Role: null
   organization: "Universit\xE9 Paris-Saclay"
   organization-address: Gif sur Yvette, FR
   start-date: 01/2016
   url: null
 - Department: LSCE
   Role: Research director
   organization: "Commissariat \xE0 l'\xC9nergie Atomique et aux \xC9nergies Alternatives"
   organization-address: Gif sur Yvette, FR
   start-date: 02/1994
   url: null
 - Department: null
   Role: Postdoctoral fellow
   end-date: 02/1994
   organization: NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
   organization-address: Boulder, CO, US
   start-date: 01/1992
   url: null
 Family Name: Ciais
 - end-date: 09/2021
   organization: H2020 European Research Council
   organization-address: Brussels, FR
   start-date: 09/2014
   title: Imbalance-P
   type: grant
   url: null
 - end-date: 08/2017
   organization: National Agency for Research
   organization-address: n/a, FR
   start-date: 03/2016
   type: grant
 - end-date: 10/2018
   organization: National Agency for Research
   organization-address: n/a, FR
   start-date: 11/2015
   title: The two giant rivers of China, trends in water resources due to climate
     change and human pressure
   type: grant
 Name: Philippe
 Other Names: []
 Research Tags (keywords):
 - carbon cycle, climate change
 Works: []
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