"DOI": { "doi": "10.5066/p990dsa7", "identifiers": [], "creators": [ { "name": "Aagaard, Brad T", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Brad T", "familyName": "Aagaard", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [ { "schemeUri": "https://orcid.org", "nameIdentifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8795-9833", "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID" } ] } ], "titles": [ { "title": "Ground-motion records and basin depth models for Portland, Oregon, 2005-2022" } ], "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey", "container": {}, "publicationYear": 2023, "subjects": [ { "subject": "ground motion waveforms, peak ground velocity, peak ground acceleration" } ], "contributors": [], "dates": [ { "date": "2005/2022", "dateType": "Available" }, { "date": "2023", "dateType": "Issued" } ], "language": null, "types": { "ris": "DATA", "bibtex": "misc", "citeproc": "dataset", "schemaOrg": "Dataset", "resourceType": "Dataset", "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset" }, "relatedIdentifiers": [], "relatedItems": [], "sizes": [], "formats": [ "csv", "hdf" ], "version": null, "rightsList": [], "descriptions": [ { "description": "This dataset includes processed ground-motion records and horizontal pseudospectral accelerations (5-percent-damped) from magnitude 3.0-6.8 earthquakes occurring in the vicinity of Portland, Oregon, between 2005 and 2022. The dataset includes 347 records from 134 earthquakes and 69 stations. Spectral values are provided at 21 periods (0.01-10 s). It also includes the basin depth models as GeoTiff raster files, which are provided as Z1.0 and Z2.5 (depths to the 1.0 and 2.5 km/s shear wave speed isosurfaces) values from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Crustal Model (NCM) for seismic hazard studies version 220311 (doi: 10.5066/P990DSA7). The dataset includes Vs30 (time averaged shear wave speed in the top 30 m) values for each station from from Thompson and others (doi: 10.1785/0120130312).", "descriptionType": "Abstract" } ], "geoLocations": [], "fundingReferences": [], "url": "https://www.strongmotioncenter.org/specialstudies/aagaard_2023portland/", "contentUrl": null, "metadataVersion": 0, "schemaVersion": "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4", "source": "mds", "isActive": true, "state": "findable", "reason": null, "viewCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "referenceCount": 0, "citationCount": 1, "partCount": 0, "partOfCount": 0, "versionCount": 0, "versionOfCount": 0, "created": "2023-11-15T04:49:58Z", "registered": "2023-11-15T04:49:59Z", "published": null, "updated": "2024-01-24T08:55:20Z" }