"id": "10.5066/p9q08jgv", "attributes": { "doi": "10.5066/p9q08jgv", "identifiers": [], "creators": [ { "name": "Witter, Robert C", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Robert C", "familyName": "Witter", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [ { "schemeUri": "https://orcid.org", "nameIdentifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1721-254X", "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID" } ] }, { "name": "Bender, Adrian M", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Adrian M", "familyName": "Bender", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [ { "schemeUri": "https://orcid.org", "nameIdentifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7469-1957", "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID" } ] } ], "titles": [ { "title": "Radiocarbon and Luminescence Data for Fairweather Fault Investigation, Glacier Bay National Park, Southeast Alaska" } ], "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey", "container": {}, "publicationYear": 2021, "subjects": [ { "subject": "geomorphic landforms/processes , land surface , coastal processes , earth science , deposition , tectonic processes , earthquakes , hazards , carbon-14 analysis , earthquakes , topography , tectonic processes" } ], "contributors": [], "dates": [ { "date": "2021", "dateType": "Collected" }, { "date": "2021-05-17", "dateType": "Available" }, { "date": "2023-07-24", "dateType": "Updated" }, { "date": "2021", "dateType": "Issued" } ], "language": null, "types": { "ris": "DATA", "bibtex": "misc", "citeproc": "dataset", "schemaOrg": "Dataset", "resourceType": "Dataset", "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset" }, "relatedIdentifiers": [ { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "10.1130/ges02299.1", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" } ], "relatedItems": [], "sizes": [], "formats": [ "csv", "zip" ], "version": null, "rightsList": [], "descriptions": [ { "description": "This dataset is comprised of two tables with age data along the Fairweather fault in Glacier Bay National Park. The tables are: (1) radiocarbon dates analyzed at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS), and (2) infrared stimulated luminescence ages determined by the Utah State University (USU) Luminescence Laboratory.", "descriptionType": "Abstract" } ], "geoLocations": [], "fundingReferences": [], "url": "https://alaska.usgs.gov/products/data.php?dataid=392", "contentUrl": null, "metadataVersion": 4, "schemaVersion": "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4", "source": "mds", "isActive": true, "state": "findable", "reason": null, "viewCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "referenceCount": 0, "citationCount": 1, "partCount": 0, "partOfCount": 0, "versionCount": 0, "versionOfCount": 0, "created": "2021-05-17T21:33:47Z", "registered": "2021-05-17T21:33:48Z", "published": null, "updated": "2023-07-24T20:45:15Z" }, "relationships": { "client": { "data": { "id": "usgs.prod", "type": "clients" } } }, "type": "dois"