The following pages link to research project (Q15):
Displayed 50 items.
- Science Needs Assessment to Support Management of Loko Iʻa (Hawaiian Fishpond) Resources and Practices Critical to the Native Hawaiian Community (Q160121) (← links)
- Establishing Climate Change Vulnerability Rankings for Hawaiian Native Plants (Q160122) (← links)
- Preventing Extreme Fire Events by Learning from History: The Effects of Wind, Temperature, and Drought Extremes on Fire Activity (Q160123) (← links)
- Changing Hawaiian Seascapes and Their Management Implications (Q160124) (← links)
- Using Genetic Information to Understand Drought Tolerance and Bark Beetle Resistance in Whitebark Pine Forests (Q160125) (← links)
- A Handbook for Resource Managers to Understand and Utilize Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Wetland Models (Q160126) (← links)
- Supporting Climate-Resilient Design for In-Stream Restoration and Fish Passage Projects (Q160127) (← links)
- Integrated Scenarios Tools: Improving the Accessibility of the Integrated Scenarios Data (Q160128) (← links)
- Moving from Awareness to Action: Informing Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Planning for Idaho and Montana National Forests (Q160129) (← links)
- Science to Inform Post-fire Conifer Regeneration and Reforestation Strategies Under Changing Climate Conditions (Q160130) (← links)
- Can We Conserve Wetlands Under a Changing Climate? Mapping Wetland Hydrology in the Columbia Plateau (Q160131) (← links)
- Forecasting Beach Loss from Sea-Level Rise on the Island of Kauaʻi (Q160132) (← links)
- Synthesis of Climate Impacts and Adaptation on Grassland Ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains (Q160133) (← links)
- Creating a North Central Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (NC RISCC) Management Network (Q160134) (← links)
- Impact of Climate Driven Changes to Water Levels on Recreational Fisheries in the Northern Glaciated Plains (Q160135) (← links)
- State Wildlife Action Planning in the Midwest (Q160136) (← links)
- Enhancing Stakeholder Capacity for Coastal Inundation Assessments in the Marshall Islands (Q160137) (← links)
- The Combined Effects of Seasonal Climate and Extreme Precipitation on Flood Hazard in the Midwest (Q160138) (← links)
- Managing Non-native Game Mammals to Reduce Future Conflicts with Native Plant Conservation in Hawai‘i (Q160139) (← links)
- The Impact of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise on Future Flooding of Coastal Parks and Refuges in Hawaiʻi and the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands (Q160140) (← links)
- Effect of Extreme Tidal Events on Future Sea-Level Rise Scenarios for He‘eia Fish Communities undergoing Ahupua‘a Restoration (Q160141) (← links)
- Future of Fire in the North Central: Towards a National Synthesis for Wildland Fire Under a Changing Climate (Q160142) (← links)
- Development of an Early Warning System to Identify Changing Prescribed Burn Opportunities Across Southeast US Fire-Adapted Habitats (Q160143) (← links)
- Climate-Adaptive Population Supplementation (CAPS) to Enhance Fishery and Forestry Outcomes (Q160144) (← links)
- Workshop: Natural Solutions to Ecological and Economic Problems Caused by Extreme Precipitation Events in the Upper Mississippi River Basin (Q160157) (← links)
- Cycles of Renewal: Returning Good Fire to the Chumash Homelands (Q160158) (← links)
- Ecosystem Services Mapping Datasets: Mapping Ecosystem Services for Natural Capital Accounting (Q160159) (← links)
- Adirondack Fish Conservation: Safeguarding Summer Suckers, Understanding Minnow Diversity, Limiting Smallmouth Bass Invasions, Developing Climate-Adapted Stocking (Q160160) (← links)
- Detecting and Predicting Aquatic Invasive Species Transmission Via Seaplanes in Alaska (Q160161) (← links)
- Climate Change Adaptation for Coastal National Wildlife Refuges (Q160162) (← links)
- Examining the Influence of Temperature and Precipitation on Colorado River Water Resources: Reconstructing the Past to Understand the Future (Q160163) (← links)
- Predicting Sky Island Forest Vulnerability to Climate Change: Fine Scale Climate Variability, Drought Tolerance, and Fire Response (Q160164) (← links)
- Improving Representation of Extreme Precipitation Events in Regional Climate Models (Q160165) (← links)
- Future of Fire in the South Central: Towards a National Synthesis of Wildland Fire Under a Changing Climate (Q160166) (← links)
- Building a Decision-Support Tool for Assessing the Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Ecological Processes (Q160167) (← links)
- Time to Restore: Using a Community Based Approach to Identify Key Plant Species for Pollinator Restoration (Q160168) (← links)
- Developing Effective Drought Monitoring Tools for Farmers and Ranchers in the South Central U.S. (Q160169) (← links)
- The Role of Forest Structure in Regulating Water Availability and Implications for Natural Resources and Ecosystem Function (Q160170) (← links)
- Community Resilience to Drought Hazard: An Analysis of Drought Exposure, Impacts, and Adaptation in the South Central U.S. (Q160171) (← links)
- Building Capacity within the CSC Network to Effectively Deliver and Communicate Science to Resource Managers and Planners (Q160172) (← links)
- Expanding the Conservation and Adaptation Resources Toolbox (CART) to the South Central United States (Q160173) (← links)
- Estimating the Future Effects of Forest Disturbance on Snow Water Resources in a Changing Environment (Q160174) (← links)
- Developing High Resolution Climate Data for Alaska (Q160175) (← links)
- Projecting Future Wildfire Activity in Alaska’s Boreal Forest (Q160176) (← links)
- Adaptation Strategies in the Face of Climate-Driven Ecological Transformation: Case Studies from Arctic Alaska and the U.S. Great Plains (Q160177) (← links)
- Improving Forecasts of Glacier Outburst Flood Events (Q160178) (← links)
- An Alert System for Managing At-Risk Species in Cascadia under Climate Change (Q160179) (← links)
- Climate Science Support Platform (Q160180) (← links)
- Science Co-Production (Q160181) (← links)
- Developing an Agroforestry Dashboard for the Marshall Islands (Q160182) (← links)