Item talk:Q159843
From geokb
'@context': '@id': '@reverse': creator: - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1139/cjz-2022-0189 name: The relative importance of cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the diets of common loons (Gavia immer) among a set of cisco refuge lakes in Minnesota - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1002/rse2.318 name: Challenges and solutions for automated avian recognition in aerial imagery - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.5751/jfo-199-940101 name: Dive characteristics of Common Loons wintering in the Gulf of Mexico and off the southern U.S. Atlantic coast - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.3133/ofr20231062 name: "Restoration of Gavia immer (common loon) in Minnesota\u20142022 annual\ \ report" - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.3133/ofr20221074 name: "Restoration of Gavia immer (common loon) in Minnesota\u20142021 annual\ \ report" - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1111/jav.02609 name: Migration patterns and wintering distribution of common loons breeding in the Upper Midwest - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1111/ecog.05003 name: "Assessing year\u2010round habitat use by migratory sea ducks in a multi\u2010\ species context reveals seasonal variation in habitat selection and partitioning" - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1093/condor/duaa029 name: Implanted satellite transmitters affect sea duck movement patterns at short and long timescales - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1002/eap.1919 name: "Spatially explicit network analysis reveals multi\u2010species annual\ \ cycle movement patterns of sea ducks" - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1647/2018-418 name: 'Long Nights, Airplanes, and Avian Surgery: A Tale of Working With Volunteers to Study Long-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis) Wintering on Lake Michigan' - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1002/etc.4331 name: Patterns of mercury and selenium exposure in minnesota common loons - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1016/j.jglr.2018.02.004 name: Distribution and foraging patterns of common loons on Lake Michigan with implications for exposure to type E avian botulism - '@id': '@type': CreativeWork identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: doi value: 10.1016/j.jglr.2016.02.014 name: Identifying the origin of waterbird carcasses in Lake Michigan using a neural network source tracking model '@type': Person affiliation: - '@type': Organization alternateName: Wildlife Ecology identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: RINGGOLD value: '196330' name: US Geological Survey Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center - '@type': Organization alternateName: Mead Wildlife Area identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: RINGGOLD value: '114963' name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - '@type': Organization alternateName: Science Center identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: RINGGOLD value: '114963' name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - '@type': Organization identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: RINGGOLD value: '53605' name: California Waterfowl Association alumniOf: - '@type': Organization alternateName: Wildlife Ecology Research and Management identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: RINGGOLD value: '14756' name: University of Wisconsin Stevens Point - '@type': Organization alternateName: Zoology, Cooperative Wildlife Research Lab identifier: '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: RINGGOLD value: '2254' name: Southern Illinois University Carbondale familyName: Fara givenName: Luke mainEntityOfPage:
USGS Staff Profile:
'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject abstract: Biologist with the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center additionalType: short description - '@type': TextObject abstract: Luke Fara additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement email: hasCredential: [] hasOccupation: - '@type': OrganizationalRole affiliatedOrganization: '@type': Organization name: Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center url: roleName: Biologist startDate: '2024-05-12T16:21:22.195586' identifier: - '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: GeoKB value: - '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: ORCID value: 0000-0002-1143-4395 jobTitle: Biologist knowsAbout: [] memberOf: '@type': OrganizationalRole member: '@type': Organization name: U.S. Geological Survey name: staff member startDate: '2024-05-12T16:21:22.192751' name: Luke J Fara url: