Item talk:Q45821

From geokb
Revision as of 12:08, 21 May 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Added missing GeoKB identifier to profile cache)

USGS Staff Profile:

 '@type': Person
 affiliation: []
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Research Wildlife Biologist with the Eastern Ecological Science Center
   additionalType: short description
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Serguei Drovetski is a Biologist at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science
     Center, in Beltsville, MD since 2019, where he is the member of the Molecular
     Toxicology Laboratory. Serguei's research is focused on avian microbiome and
     the effects of environmental stressors on wildlife and its microbiome at the
     molecular and biochemical levels.
   additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: "Serguei's current research focuses on the identification and application\
     \ of novel \u201Comics\u201D approaches for understanding toxicological responses\
     \ in wildlife and especially in its microbiome. Serguei enjoys research that\
     \ ties together these diverse fields, and combines analytical, laboratory, and\
     \ fieldwork."
   additionalType: personal statement
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: PhD in Zoology from University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2001)
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: BS [Forestry Engineer] Moscow State University of the Forest, Mytischi,
     Russia (1988).
 - '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: Eastern Ecological Science Center
   roleName: Research Wildlife Biologist
   startDate: '2024-05-10T21:03:17.569352'
 - '@type': Occupation
   additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
   name: 'Conducted research in many diverse fields of avian biology: evolutionary
     and behavioral ecology, functional and comparative morphology, molecular phylogenetics,
     phylo- and biogeography, host-symbiont co-evolution, and, recently, microbiome.'
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: ORCID
   value: 0000-0002-1832-5597
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: GeoKB
 jobTitle: Research Wildlife Biologist
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Harmful Algal Blooms
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Avian
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Biology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Biodiversity
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Bioinformatics
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Conservation
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Genetics
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Contaminant Biology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Ecological
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Stressors
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Ecotoxicology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Endangered & Threatened Species
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Environmental Health
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Genetics and Genomics
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Immunotoxicology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Metagenomics
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Microbiome
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Molecular Ecology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Terrestrial Ecology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Terrestrial Toxicology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Wildlife Biology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Wildlife Ecology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Wildlife Health and Diseases
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Wildlife Toxicology
   '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: U.S. Geological Survey
   name: staff member
   startDate: '2024-05-10T21:03:17.565794'
 name: Sergei Drovetski, Ph.D.