Item talk:Q54477
From geokb
meta: status_code: 200 timestamp: '2023-10-20T09:12:22.730603' url: orcid: activities: educations: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1475179892402 summaries: - education-summary: created-date: value: 1475179617279 department-name: Geological Sciences display-index: '0' end-date: day: null month: null year: value: '2002' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1475179892402 organization: address: city: Blacksburg country: US region: VA disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '1757' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University path: /0000-0003-3199-993X/education/2343027 put-code: 2343027 role-title: M.S. source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jason Pope source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0003-3199-993X uri: start-date: null url: null visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1475179894067 summaries: - education-summary: created-date: value: 1475179537782 department-name: Environmental Studies display-index: '0' end-date: day: null month: null year: value: '1994' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1475179894067 organization: address: city: Asheville country: US region: NC disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '8620' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: University of North Carolina at Asheville path: /0000-0003-3199-993X/education/2343021 put-code: 2343021 role-title: B.S. source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jason Pope source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0003-3199-993X uri: start-date: null url: null visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1475179894067 path: /0000-0003-3199-993X/educations employments: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1475179896726 summaries: - employment-summary: created-date: value: 1475179454025 department-name: U.S. Geological Survey display-index: '0' end-date: null external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1475179896726 organization: address: city: Richmond country: US region: VA disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: disambiguation-source: FUNDREF name: U.S. Department of the Interior path: /0000-0003-3199-993X/employment/2343016 put-code: 2343016 role-title: Hydrologist source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jason Pope source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0003-3199-993X uri: start-date: day: value: '01' month: value: '01' year: value: '2001' url: null visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1475179896726 path: /0000-0003-3199-993X/employments history: claimed: true completion-date: null creation-method: DIRECT deactivation-date: null last-modified-date: value: 1685562497569 source: null submission-date: value: 1475179268543 verified-email: true verified-primary-email: true person: name: created-date: value: 1475179268765 credit-name: null family-name: value: Pope given-names: value: Jason last-modified-date: value: 1475179268765 path: 0000-0003-3199-993X source: null visibility: public
USGS Staff Profile:
'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject abstract: Hydrologist with the Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center additionalType: short description - '@type': TextObject abstract: Jason Pope is a hydrologist at the Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center. additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement - '@type': TextObject abstract: Jason has been an employee of the USGS since 2001. He has investigated a variety of topics related to groundwater in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain, including aquifer-system compaction and land subsidence, regional groundwater flow and availability, interpretation and mapping of hydrostratigraphy, estimation of water withdrawal and use, groundwater residence time, and water quality. His technical interests include the management and analysis of geospatial data, computer modeling of groundwater flow, techniques for estimating various components of water withdrawal and use, and measurement of aquifer-system compaction. additionalType: personal statement email: hasCredential: - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential name: 'M.S. Hydrogeosciences, Geosciences, Virginia Tech. Thesis: Characterization and modeling of land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawals from the confined aquifers of the Virginia Coastal Plain.' - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential name: 'B.S. Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies, University of North Carolina at Asheville. Undergraduate Research: Phosphorus retention in a high-elevation southeastern reservoir system.' hasOccupation: - '@type': OrganizationalRole affiliatedOrganization: '@type': Organization name: Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center url: roleName: Hydrologist startDate: '2024-05-12T15:53:44.196766' identifier: - '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: GeoKB value: - '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: ORCID value: 0000-0003-3199-993X jobTitle: Hydrologist knowsAbout: - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: Land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: Analysis and management of geospatial and hydrologic data - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: Development of groundwater models and simulation of groundwater flow - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: Measurement and estimation of groundwater withdrawal and use memberOf: '@type': OrganizationalRole member: '@type': Organization name: U.S. Geological Survey name: staff member startDate: '2024-05-12T15:53:44.193969' name: Jason P. Pope url: