Item talk:Q47052

From geokb
Revision as of 13:11, 11 May 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Replaced content with "'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject abstract: Research Geologist with the Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center additionalType: short description - '@type': TextObject abstract: "I am a Research Geologist interesested in understanding how processes\ \ of erosion and faulting interact to shape Earth\u2019s surface. I study these\ \ phenomena through geologic maps, laboratory...")

'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject

 abstract: Research Geologist with the Geosciences and Environmental Change Science
 additionalType: short description

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: "I am a Research Geologist interesested in understanding how processes\
   \ of erosion and faulting interact to shape Earth\u2019s surface. I study these\
   \ phenomena through geologic maps, laboratory techniques that measure the history\
   \ of rocks being exhumed toward the surface, and with measurements and models\
   \ of Earth's surface topography."
 additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: I came to the USGS as a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow in 2016 to study
   landscape evolution in the Southern Rocky Mountains and to help complete a facility
   for measuring the cooling histories of minerals as part of the Mineral Resources
   Program. In 2018 I transitioned to a job as a Research Geologist funded by the
   National Cooperative Geologic Mapping program, where I work now. In this capacity
   I conduct regional-scale geologic mapping and synthesis of Quaternary sedimentary
   deposits with the goal of ultimately establishing a seamlesss national-scale geologic
   map database that can aid in the characterization of geologic hazards and natural
   resources.  This work is currently focused in two regions, in Arkansas and in
   a large transect spanning the Intermountain West, for which I also serve as the
   lead of the surficial geologic working group.In addition to these roles I conduct
   research into the mechanisms of landscape evolution in an effort to better interpret
   the geologic record of natural hazards and past environmental change, focusing
   on two broad classifications of problems.  First, I seek to develop numerical
   and statistical models to refine geologic inferences made from geochronologic
   data and to quantify uncertainty in those interpretations.  Second, I try to understand
   the connection between earth surface processes, landscape form, and recent geologic
   deposits by developing numerical models that enable simulation of these phenomena.  In
   these efforts I am interested in developing approaches for characterizing landscape
   evolution through paired analysis of topographic and geologic map data.Prior to
   starting at the USGS I obtained my PhD from Stanford University in 2016, where
   I studied how sediment transport and erosion processes shaped hillslopes and river
   networks, and how some micro-climatic gradients enduced by aspect differences
   influenced these processes. In 2011 I obtained my MSc from UC Santa Cruz, where
   I had also obtained my BS a few years earlier. It was at UC Santa Cruz that I
   first got excited about geologic mapping and where I developed an interest in
   using low-temperature thermochronology to study histories of faulting.
 additionalType: personal statement

email: hasCredential: - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: Stanford University, PhD in Geology

- '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: UC Santa Cruz, MS in Geology

- '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: UC Santa Cruz, BS Earth Science

hasOccupation: - '@type': OrganizationalRole

   '@type': Organization
   name: Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
 roleName: Research Geologist
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:44:48.297348'

identifier: - '@type': PropertyValue

 propertyID: ORCID
 value: 0000-0002-3945-2499

jobTitle: Research Geologist knowsAbout: - '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Geomorphology

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Thermochronology

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Topographic analysis

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Numerical modelling


 '@type': OrganizationalRole
   '@type': Organization
   name: U.S. Geological Survey
 name: staff member
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:44:48.293793'

name: Sam A Johnstone url: