Item talk:Q45117
From geokb
"USGS Staff Profile": { "_id": "", "item": "", "last_update": "2024-05-12T00:00:00Z", "previous_address": null, "qid": "Q45117", "retrieved": "2024-05-12T00:00:00Z", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "affiliation": [], "description": [ { "@type": "TextObject", "abstract": "Research Wildlife Biologist with the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center", "additionalType": "short description" }, { "@type": "TextObject", "abstract": "Ryan Burner is a Research Wildlife Biologist at the USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center.", "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement" }, { "@type": "TextObject", "abstract": "His background is in quantitative ecology and ornithology and his research interests include helping to understand how species and communities respond to environmental change.", "additionalType": "personal statement" } ], "email": "", "hasCredential": [ { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "name": "Ph.D. \u2013 Ecology, Louisiana State University, May 2019\nDissertation: Composition and ecology of avian communities along elevational gradients in Borneo" }, { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "name": "B.S. \u2013 Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho, December 2005" }, { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "name": "A.A.S. \u2013 Wildlife Management, Hocking College, June 2003" } ], "hasOccupation": [ { "@type": "OrganizationalRole", "affiliatedOrganization": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center", "url": "" }, "roleName": "Research Wildlife Biologist", "startDate": "2024-05-12T15:54:34.096914" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2021 \u2013 Present: Research Wildlife Biologist, USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center (La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2019 \u2013 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (A\u030as, Norway)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2013 \u2013 2019: Board of Regents Fellow and Graduate Teaching Assistant, Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2018 (seasonal): Naturalist and Expedition Guide, Aurora Expeditions (Svalbard and Greenland)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2011 \u2013 2012: Fulbright Research Fellow, American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (Samarinda, Borneo, Indonesia)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2011: Seal Research Crew Leader, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (St. Paul, Alaska, USA)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2002 - 2011 (seasonal): Ornithological Research Technician, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Alaska, USA)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2008 \u2013 2010 (seasonal): Seal Research Crew Leader, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Cape Shirreff, Antarctica)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2006 \u2013 2007: Field and Lab Technician. Scripps Institute of Oceanography (Palmer Station, Antarctica)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2005 \u2013 2006: Field Operations Support. Raytheon Polar Services Company (McMurdo and South Pole Stations, Antarctica)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2003 \u2013 2004: Forest Technician. University of Idaho Experimental Forest (Moscow, Idaho, USA)" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "2000 \u2013 2003: Arborist. 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