Mining Facility (E3)

From geokb
Revision as of 16:28, 26 May 2023 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Updated Schema text: Added product or commodity produced as optional property)
language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enMining Facilityitems that are classified according to one of a number of subclasses of facilityedit
PREFIX p: <>
prefix xsd: <>
prefix wd: <>
PREFIX psv: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX geo: <>

START = @<MiningFacility>

<MiningFacility> EXTRA p:P1 {
	# Must be instance of a mining facility and any subclasses
	p:P1 @<MiningFacilityClass> * ;
	#coordinate location
  	p:P6 { psv:P6  IRI *; ps:P6  geo:wktLiteral *;  } +;

  	#located in the administrative territorial entity
    p:P11 { ps:P11  IRI * } *;

  	#GNIS Unique Feature ID
    p:P21 { ps:P21  xsd:string * } ?;

  	#see also link to URL
    p:P103 { ps:P103  IRI * } *;

  	#product (commodity) produced
    p:P113 { ps:P113  IRI * } *;

<MiningFacilityClass> EXTRA p:P2 {
  p:P2 [ wd:Q44143 ] * ;