Item talk:Q44422

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Revision as of 11:20, 21 May 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Added missing GeoKB identifier to profile cache)

USGS Staff Profile:

 '@type': Person
 affiliation: []
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Geneticist with the Alaska Science Center
   additionalType: short description
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Christina is a Geneticist for the Alaska Science Center.
   additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: My research aims to better understand wildlife and zoonotic diseases
     in Alaska and adjacent regions. I use molecular tools to investigate the genetic
     diversity and transmission pathways of pathogens in wildlife populations and
     the ecosystems they occupy. My main research topics include antimicrobial resistance
     in wild birds, avian influenza, andGiardiaandCryptosporidiumparasites in Arctic
     Alaska. I strive to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of where pathogens
     are detected and their genetic relatedness among spatio-temporally diverse populations
     to help inform management actions aimed to interrupt transmission pathways.
   additionalType: personal statement
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: Ph.D.  2015    University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada     Veterinary
     Medical Sciences
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: M.S.   2011    Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO     Animal Science
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: B.S.   2008    University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY     Biology
 - '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: Alaska Science Center
   roleName: Geneticist
   startDate: '2024-05-10T20:40:16.248695'
 - '@type': Occupation
   additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
   name: 2017 - Present   Geneticist, USGS Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska
 - '@type': Occupation
   additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
   name: 2015 - 2017        Consultant Epidemiologist & Data Analyst, Epi-interactive,
     Wellington, New Zealand
 - '@type': Occupation
   additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
   name: 2017                    Molecular Epidemiology Consultant, Food and Agriculture
     Organisation, Rome, Italy
 - '@type': Occupation
   additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
   name: 2016                   Molecular Epidemiology Consultant, Food and Agriculture
     Organisation, Rome, Italy
 - '@type': Occupation
   additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
   name: 2005 - 2008     Seasonal Research Assistant, Quality Milk Production Services,
     Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: ORCID
   value: 0000-0001-5414-8076
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: GeoKB
 jobTitle: Geneticist
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Bacterial genomics
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Wildlife health and disease
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Molecular epidemiology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Avian influenza
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Zoonotic disease
   '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: U.S. Geological Survey
   name: staff member
   startDate: '2024-05-10T20:40:16.245177'
 name: Christina Ahlstrom, Ph.D.