Item talk:Q48388

From geokb
Revision as of 13:06, 11 May 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs)

'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: - '@type': Organization

 name: Geochemical Society

- '@type': Organization

 name: Volunteer Education Coordinator for Mines Museum of Earth Science

award: - 2020, President, Friends of the Mines Museum description: - '@type': TextObject

 abstract: Geologist with the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center
 additionalType: short description

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: Danielle Olinger is a geologist with the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry
   Science Center.
 additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: 'During her undergraduate experience, Danielle worked as an excavator
   at the Big Pig Dig in the Badlands National Park; helped create, organize, and
   facilitate outreach events for the SDSM&T Geology Museum; completed 6 weeks of
   field camp hosted in central Turkey; and completed a senior thesis characterizing
   exoskarns and endoskarns collected in the Kirikkale Province of central Turkey.
   After completing her undergraduate degree, Danielle worked as a consulting geologist
   for Rare Element Resources (RER) on their Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex rare earth
   element exploration project. Through the financial support of RER, Danielle attended
   graduate school where she worked on many tasks including: characterizing carbonatite
   and alkaline silicate units of the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex; using trace element
   variations in minerals to understand magmatic cycling in the Pecos Mafic Intrusive
   Complex, Texas; operating analytical equipment for geochemical analysis (WDXRF,
   ICP-OES, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS); teaching the Mineralogy and Petrology laboratory
   sections which involved revamping lesson plans and assignments; and thermodynamically
   modeling the role of water in the formation of migmatite at the Ballachulish Metamorphic
   Complex, Scotland.Research InterestsDanielle is interested in igneous petrology
   as it relates to understanding ore deposits. Her current research focuses on characterizing
   the processes and conditions for the formation of carbonatite-hosted rare earth
   element deposits using a variety of methods including: optical petrography, fluid
   inclusion microthermometry, RAMAN spectroscopy, laser ablation ICP-MS, whole-rock
   geochemistry, and microbeam analysis (SEM, microprobe).'
 additionalType: personal statement

email: hasCredential: - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: M.S. Geology, Texas Tech University, 2012

- '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: B.S. Geology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 2009

hasOccupation: - '@type': OrganizationalRole

   '@type': Organization
   name: Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center
 roleName: Geologist
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:47:05.699786'

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: September 2018 - present, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Lakewood, CO

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: September 2014 - September 2018, Physical Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey,
   Lakewood, CO

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: September 2010 - May 2014, Teaching/Research Assistant, Texas Tech University,
   Lubbock, TX

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: August 2009 - December 2011, Consulting Geologist, Rare Element Resources,
   Ltd., Sundance, WY

identifier: - '@type': PropertyValue

 propertyID: ORCID
 value: 0000-0001-8375-5852

jobTitle: Geologist knowsAbout: - '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: igneous petrology

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: economic geology

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: exploration

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: carbonatites

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: rare earth element deposits


 '@type': OrganizationalRole
   '@type': Organization
   name: U.S. Geological Survey
 name: staff member
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:47:05.696346'

name: Danielle A Olinger url: