Pages that link to "Item:Q54681"
From geokb
The following pages link to Amanda Demopoulos, Ph.D. (Q54681):
Displayed 50 items.
- The influence of seep habitats on sediment macrofaunal biodiversity and functional traits (Q254551) (← links)
- USGS DISCOVRE: Benthic ecology, trophodynamics, ecosystem connectivity of Mid-Atlantic deepwater hard bottom habitats with emphasis on canyon and coral communities (Q254625) (← links)
- Examination of Bathymodiolus childressi nutritional sources, isotopic niches, and food-web linkages at two seeps in the US Atlantic margin using stable isotope analysis and mixing models (Q255753) (← links)
- Cascadia Margin cold seeps: Subduction zone fluids, gas hydrates, and chemosynthetic habitats (Q258171) (← links)
- A characterization of deep-sea coral and sponge communities along the California and Oregon coast using a remotely operated vehicle on the EXPRESS 2018 expedition (Q260568) (← links)
- Benthic infaunal communities of Baltimore and Norfolk Canyons (Q262781) (← links)
- Quantifying changes to infaunal communities associated with several deep-sea coral habitats in the Gulf of Mexico and their potential recovery from the DWH oil spill (Q263002) (← links)
- Deep-sea coral research and technology program: Alaska deep-sea coral and sponge initiative final report (Q267586) (← links)
- Genetic diversity and connectivity of chemosynthetic cold seep mussels from the U.S. Atlantic margin (Q270275) (← links)
- Estimating the value of mangrove leaf litter in sesarmid crab diets: The importance of fractionation factors (Q272270) (← links)
- Submarine canyons influence macrofaunal diversity and density patterns in the deep-sea benthos (Q273343) (← links)
- Stable isotope analysis enhances our understanding of diamondback terrapin Malaclemys terrapin foraging ecology (Q274585) (← links)
- Diet of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in subtropical mangrove habitats in South Florida (Q276451) (← links)
- Molecular characterization of Bathymodiolus mussels and gill symbionts associated with chemosynthetic habitats from the U.S. Atlantic margin (Q277394) (← links)
- Introduced mangroves along the coast of Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i may represent novel habitats for megafaunal communities (Q278139) (← links)
- Use of stable isotopes and mercury to assess trophic positions of black carp and other large fishes in the Red-Atchafalaya River system, Louisiana, USA (Q280799) (← links)
- Deep search: Deep sea exploration to advance research on coral/canyon/cold seep habitats (Q283561) (← links)
- Workshops report for mesophotic and deep benthic community fish, mobile invertebrates, sessile invertebrates and infauna (Q283706) (← links)
- Cruise Report for NOAA Ship Nancy Foster Cruise NF-22-06 (Q288866) (← links)
- Host feeding ecology and trophic position significantly influence isotopic discrimination between a generalist ectoparasite and its hosts: Implications for parasite-host trophic studies (Q288969) (← links)
- Population connectivity of deep-sea corals (Q289031) (← links)
- One byte at a time: Gathering best practices, guidelines, and resources for data standards to support ocean exploration and characterization (Q289049) (← links)
- Ghost forests of Marco Island: Mangrove mortality driven by belowground soil structural shifts during tidal hydrologic alteration (Q292681) (← links)
- Biology characterization breakout report (Q294680) (← links)
- The National Ocean Biodiversity Strategy (Q295593) (← links)
- Consumer isoscapes reveal heterogeneous food webs in deep-sea submarine canyons and adjacent slopes (Q295616) (← links)
- New geochemical tools for investigating resource and energy functions at deep-sea cold seeps using amino-acid δ15N in chemosymbiotic mussels (Bathymodiolus childressi) (Q296827) (← links)
- Macrobenthic infaunal communities associated with deep‐sea hydrocarbon seeps in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Q296969) (← links)
- Metabarcoding analysis of meiobenthic biodiversity along the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf (Q298192) (← links)
- 10,000 m under the sea: An overview of the HADES expedition to Kermadec Trench (Q298517) (← links)
- The influence of different deep-sea coral habitats on sediment macrofaunal community structure and function (Q300491) (← links)
- Stable isotope dynamics of herbivorous reef fishes and their ectoparasites (Q300536) (← links)
- Food-web structure in canyon and slope-associated fauna revealed by stable isotopes (Q307053) (← links)
- Cold-water corals of the world: Gulf of Mexico (Q311224) (← links)
- DEEP SEARCH project completes last year of field work with two successful expeditions (Q311591) (← links)
- Mapping, exploration, and characterization of the California continental margin and associated features from the California-Oregon border to Ensenada, Mexico (Q312253) (← links)
- Expanding our view of the cold-water coral niche and accounting of the ecosystem services of the reef habitat (Q316040) (← links)
- Data release for Food-web structure canyon- and slope-associated fauna revealed by stable isotopes (Q319335) (← links)
- Stable isotope data and terrain variables for isoscape modeling around two submarine canyons in the western Atlantic sampled in 2012-2013 (Q319336) (← links)
- Oceanographic conditions at Richardson reef reveal new suitable habitat for cold-water corals (Q320335) (← links)
- Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen from diamondback terrapins and resources within Southern Everglades and Key West National Wildlife Refuge, sampled 2012-2013 (Q322820) (← links)
- Trophic structure of mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of Mexico revealed by gut content and stable isotope analyses (Q324331) (← links)
- Food-web dynamics and isotopic niches in deep-sea communities residing in a submarine canyon and on the adjacent open slopes (Q324332) (← links)
- Isotope data from Shimada 2018 research expedition (Q324889) (← links)
- Greater Everglades Burmese Python Stable Isotope Data and Standard Ellipse Area Literature Review (Q325089) (← links)
- Stable isotope and video observational data from the RL1905 EXPRESS expedition in 2019 (Q325475) (← links)
- Soil surface elevation change and vertical accretion data to support the Fruit Farm Creek Mangrove Restoration Project (Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Marco Island, Florida) (Q325691) (← links)
- Sediment macrofaunal composition, sediment grain size, and taxa functional traits of multiple deep-sea coral habitats in the Gulf of Mexico, 2009-2014 (Q326774) (← links)
- Baseline data for a hydrological restoration of a mangrove forest near Goodland, Florida (2015 - 2017) (Q327843) (← links)
- Sediment macrofaunal composition and sediment geochemistry of deep-sea coral habitats after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010-2016 (Q327845) (← links)