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| | name: Research Associate, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Fairbanks, AK, 2002 to 2005 |
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| Adaptation to Sea Level Rise
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| usgs_staff_profile:
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| timestamp: '2023-09-30T17:24:14.456408'
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| url: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/karen-thorne
| |
| profile:
| |
| abstracts: []
| |
| affiliations:
| |
| - California Landscape Conservation Cooperative Science Team
| |
| education:
| |
| - PhD, Geography, Global Change, University of California, Davis, 2012
| |
| - MSc, Geography, Environmental Studies, University of California, Davis, 2008
| |
| - BS, Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis
| |
| 2000
| |
| email: kthorne@usgs.gov
| |
| expertise_terms:
| |
| - biogeography
| |
| - ecological processes
| |
| - estuarine ecosystems
| |
| - habitats
| |
| - wetland ecosystems
| |
| - coastal ecosystems
| |
| - sea-level change
| |
| - endangered species
| |
| - migratory species
| |
| - species diversity
| |
| - vegetation
| |
| - vertebrates
| |
| - wildlife
| |
| - wildlife population management
| |
| honors: []
| |
| intro_statements:
| |
| - Dr. Karen Thorne is a Research Ecologist with the USGS Western Ecological Research
| |
| Center,
| |
| name: Karen Thorne, Ph.D.
| |
| name_qualifier: null
| |
| orcid: 0000-0002-1381-0657
| |
| organization_link: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/werc
| |
| organization_name: Western Ecological Research Center (WERC)
| |
| personal_statement: Her research focus is in climate change impacts to ecosystems.
| |
| In particular, her work has included assessing sea-level rise and storms impacts
| |
| to nearshore ecosystems, wetland ecology and wildlife. She received her Ph.D.
| |
| and MS from the University of California, Davis.Dr. Thorne's interests lie in
| |
| conservation issues surrounding climate-related research that assess changes
| |
| to ecosystems and wildlife. Her current focus is assessing how sea-level rise
| |
| and storms impact salt marsh ecosystems and local wildlife populations. In particular,
| |
| Dr. Thorne is interested in how wildlife respond to high water events and how
| |
| this relates to predation and breeding success. Her research is based on field
| |
| data collection methods that can be developed into climate change impact models
| |
| using ArcGIS and other remote sensing tools.RESEARCH INTERESTSGlobal Change
| |
| BiologyCoastal EcosystemsWetland EcologyThreatened & Endangered SpeciesWildlife
| |
| BiologyLandscape EcologyEcological Response ModelingStorm MonitoringSea-level
| |
| Rise Planning & Decision Support
| |
| professional_experience:
| |
| - Biologist, USGS, Western Ecological Research Center, San Francisco Bay Estuary
| |
| Field Station, 2005 to present
| |
| - Research Associate, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Fairbanks, AK, 2002 to 2005
| |
| title: Research Ecologist
| |