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From geokb
(Updated person data cache with ORCID information)
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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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   Biography: null
   "OpenAlex": {
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    organization: University of Toledo
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     Role: Research Associate
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    end-date: 04/2020
    organization: Michigan State University
    organization-address: East Lansing, MI, US
    start-date: 09/2019
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    Role: Fisheries Contractor
    end-date: 09/2019
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    Role: Biological Technician
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    organization: US Fish and Wildlife Service Great Plains Fish and Wildlife Conservation
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    start-date: 03/2013
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  - Department: null
    Role: Biological Technician
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    start-date: 08/2015
        "years": [
    url: null
  - Department: null
    Role: null
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    title: "A structured approach to remediation site assessment: lessons from 15\
      \ years of fish spawning habitat creation in the St. Clair\u2010Detroit River\
      \ System"
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  - journal title: Ecological Engineering
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      \ Response to Fish Spawning Substrate Restoration in the St. Clair\u2013Detroit\
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Latest revision as of 20:07, 30 August 2024


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