Item talk:Q138752: Difference between revisions

From geokb
(Updated person data cache with ORCID information)
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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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  Biography: 'Compositional data analysis: geometry of the simplex as sample space
  "OpenAlex": {
    of compositional data; modeling and statistics in geochemistry, biology, probability,
    "id": "",
    social sciences,...
    "orcid": "",
    "display_name": "Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue",
    "display_name_alternatives": [
    Hazard and vulnerability analysis: natural hazards (ocean waves, rainfall, winds,
      "Juan Egozcue",
    earthquakes) analysed using Bayesian methods. Vulnerability of structures due
      "Juan J. Egozcue",
    to natural phenomena.'
      "Juan\u2010Jose Egozcue",
  Credit Name: J. J. Egozcue
      "Juan Jos\u00e9Egozcue",
  Emails: []
      "J. J. Egozcue",
      "Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue",
  - Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
      "J .J. Egozcue",
    Role: Emeritus Professor, President of Association for Compositional Data,
      "Juan Jos\u00c3\u0083\u00c2\u00a9 Egozcue",
    end-date: ''
      "Juan Jos\ufffd Egozcue",
    organization: "\tUniversitat Polit\xE8cnica de Catalunya"
      "J Egozcue",
    organization-address: Barcelona, ES
      "Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue Rub\u00ed",
    start-date: 11/2016
      "Juan Jose Egozcue",
    url: null
      "J. J. Egozcue Rub\u00ed; Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue; Juanjo Egozcue"
  - Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Role: Full Professor
    "works_count": 235,
    end-date: 01/2016
    "cited_by_count": 9882,
    organization: "Universitat Polit\xE8cnica de Catalunya"
    "summary_stats": {
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      "2yr_mean_citedness": 0.7058823529411765,
    start-date: 11/2015
      "h_index": 37,
    url: null
      "i10_index": 82
  - Department: Applied Mathematics III
    Role: "Catedr\xE1tico (Full Professor)"
    "ids": {
    end-date: 10/2015
      "openalex": "",
    organization: "Universidad Polit\xE9cnica de Catalunya"
      "orcid": "",
    organization-address: Barcelona, ES
      "scopus": ""
    start-date: 10/1979
    url: null
    "affiliations": [
  Family Name: Egozcue
  Fundings: []
        "institution": {
  Name: "Juan Jos\xE9"
          "id": "",
  Other Names:
          "ror": "",
  - "J. J. Egozcue Rub\xED; Juan Jos\xE9 Egozcue; Juanjo Egozcue"
          "display_name": "Universitat Polit\u00e8cnica de Catalunya",
  Research Tags (keywords): []
          "country_code": "ES",
          "type": "education",
  - journal title: Mathematical Geosciences
          "lineage": [
    organization: null
    organization-address: ''
    publication-date: 01/2022
    title: 'Weighting of Parts in Compositional Data Analysis: Advances and Applications'
        "years": [
    type: journal-article
  - journal title: Stat
    organization: null
    organization-address: ''
    publication-date: 01/2020
    title: Weighting the domain of probability densities in functional data analysis
    type: journal-article
  - journal title: TEST
    organization: null
    organization-address: ''
    publication-date: 09/2019
    title: 'Compositional data: the sample space and its structure'
        "institution": {
    type: journal-article
          "id": "",
          "ror": "",
  - journal title: TEST
          "display_name": "Research Center for Natural Resources, Environment and Society",
    organization: null
          "country_code": "PT",
    organization-address: ''
          "type": "facility",
    publication-date: 09/2019
          "lineage": [
    title: 'Rejoinder on: Compositional data: the sample space and its structure'
    type: journal-article
  - journal title: Journal of Geochemical Exploration
        "years": [
    organization: null
    organization-address: ''
    publication-date: 11/2018
    title: Exploration of geochemical data with compositional canonical biplots
    type: journal-article
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  - journal title: mSystems
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          "display_name": "Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco",
    organization-address: ''
          "country_code": "PT",
    publication-date: 08/2018
          "type": "education",
    title: 'Balances: a New Perspective for Microbiome Analysis'
          "lineage": [
    type: journal-article
  - journal title: Austrian Journal of Statistics
    organization: null
        "years": [
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    publication-date: 01/2018
    title: Linear Association in Compositional Data Analysis
    type: journal-article
        "institution": {
  - journal title: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
          "id": "",
    organization: null
          "ror": "",
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          "display_name": "University of \u00c9vora",
    publication-date: '2018'
          "country_code": "PT",
    title: 'Advancements in hydrochemistry mapping: methods and application to groundwater
          "type": "education",
      arsenic and iron concentrations in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India'
          "lineage": [
    type: journal-article
  - journal title: Mathematical Geosciences
    organization: null
        "years": [
    organization-address: ''
    publication-date: '2018'
    title: Advances in Principal Balances for Compositional Data
    type: journal-article
        "institution": {
  - journal title: 'Handbook of Mathematical Geosciences: Fifty Years of IAMG'
          "id": "",
    organization: null
          "ror": "",
    organization-address: ''
          "display_name": "Universitat de Barcelona",
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        "institution": {
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          "type": "company",
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    "topics": [
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          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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        "display_name": "Digital Soil Mapping Techniques",
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        "domain": {
          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
        "id": "",
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        "id": "",
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        "display_name": "Tectonic and Geochronological Evolution of Orogens",
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          "display_name": "Earth and Planetary Sciences"
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          "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
        "id": "",
        "display_name": "Seismic Engineering and Ground Motion Analysis",
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          "display_name": "Engineering"
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          "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
        "id": "",
        "display_name": "Dynamics of Ocean Surface Waves and Wind Interaction",
        "count": 7,
        "subfield": {
          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Oceanography"
        "field": {
          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Earth and Planetary Sciences"
        "domain": {
          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
        "id": "",
        "display_name": "Environmental Impact of Heavy Metal Contamination",
        "count": 7,
        "subfield": {
          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Pollution"
        "field": {
          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Environmental Science"
        "domain": {
          "id": "",
          "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
        "id": "",
        "display_name": "Global Drought Monitoring and Assessment",
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        "domain": {
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Latest revision as of 19:57, 30 August 2024


 "OpenAlex": {
   "id": "",
   "orcid": "",
   "display_name": "Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue",
   "display_name_alternatives": [
     "Juan Egozcue",
     "Juan J. Egozcue",
     "Juan\u2010Jose Egozcue",
     "Juan Jos\u00e9Egozcue",
     "J. J. Egozcue",
     "Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue",
     "J .J. Egozcue",
     "Juan Jos\u00c3\u0083\u00c2\u00a9 Egozcue",
     "Juan Jos\ufffd Egozcue",
     "J Egozcue",
     "Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue Rub\u00ed",
     "Juan Jose Egozcue",
     "J. J. Egozcue Rub\u00ed; Juan Jos\u00e9 Egozcue; Juanjo Egozcue"
   "works_count": 235,
   "cited_by_count": 9882,
   "summary_stats": {
     "2yr_mean_citedness": 0.7058823529411765,
     "h_index": 37,
     "i10_index": 82
   "ids": {
     "openalex": "",
     "orcid": "",
     "scopus": ""
   "affiliations": [
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         "ror": "",
         "display_name": "Universitat Polit\u00e8cnica de Catalunya",
         "country_code": "ES",
         "type": "education",
         "lineage": [
       "years": [
       "institution": {
         "id": "",
         "ror": "",
         "display_name": "Research Center for Natural Resources, Environment and Society",
         "country_code": "PT",
         "type": "facility",
         "lineage": [
       "years": [
       "institution": {
         "id": "",
         "ror": "",
         "display_name": "Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco",
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         "type": "education",
         "lineage": [
       "years": [
       "institution": {
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         "ror": "",
         "display_name": "University of \u00c9vora",
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         "type": "education",
         "lineage": [
       "years": [
       "institution": {
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         "ror": "",
         "display_name": "Universitat de Barcelona",
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         "type": "education",
         "lineage": [
       "years": [
       "institution": {
         "id": "",
         "ror": "",
         "display_name": "Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico",
         "country_code": "PR",
         "type": "education",
         "lineage": [
       "years": [
       "institution": {
         "id": "",
         "ror": "",
         "display_name": "Numerical Method (China)",
         "country_code": "CN",
         "type": "company",
         "lineage": [
       "years": [
   "last_known_institutions": [
       "id": "",
       "ror": "",
       "display_name": "Universitat Polit\u00e8cnica de Catalunya",
       "country_code": "ES",
       "type": "education",
       "lineage": [
   "topics": [
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Machine Learning for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping",
       "count": 63,
       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Computer Science"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Digital Soil Mapping Techniques",
       "count": 23,
       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Environmental Engineering"
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         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Characterization of Shale Gas Pore Structure",
       "count": 19,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Mechanics of Materials"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Engineering"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Hyperspectral Image Analysis and Classification",
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       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Engineering"
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         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Geophysics"
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         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Earth and Planetary Sciences"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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         "display_name": "Engineering"
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         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Oceanography"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Earth and Planetary Sciences"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Environmental Impact of Heavy Metal Contamination",
       "count": 7,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Pollution"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Global Drought Monitoring and Assessment",
       "count": 6,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Global and Planetary Change"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Climate Change and Variability Research",
       "count": 6,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Global and Planetary Change"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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       "count": 6,
       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Civil and Structural Engineering"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Engineering"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Seismicity and Tectonic Plate Interactions",
       "count": 6,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Geophysics"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Earth and Planetary Sciences"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Modeling and Forecasting Financial Volatility",
       "count": 5,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Finance"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Economics, Econometrics and Finance"
       "domain": {
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         "display_name": "Social Sciences"
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       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Oceanography"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Earth and Planetary Sciences"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Global Methane Emissions and Impacts",
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         "display_name": "Global and Planetary Change"
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         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Data Analysis",
       "count": 3,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Economics and Econometrics"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Economics, Econometrics and Finance"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Social Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Sensory Analysis in Food Science Research",
       "count": 3,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
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       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Agricultural and Biological Sciences"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Life Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Model-Based Clustering with Mixture Models",
       "count": 3,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Artificial Intelligence"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Computer Science"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Progressive Collapse of Structures",
       "count": 3,
       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Civil and Structural Engineering"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Engineering"
       "domain": {
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         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Stable Isotope Analysis of Groundwater and Precipitation",
       "count": 3,
       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Geochemistry and Petrology"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Earth and Planetary Sciences"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Detection and Handling of Multicollinearity in Regression Analysis",
       "count": 3,
       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Statistics and Probability"
       "field": {
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         "display_name": "Mathematics"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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       "subfield": {
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         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Engineering"
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         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
       "domain": {
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       "subfield": {
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         "display_name": "Decision Sciences"
       "domain": {
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       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Diversity and Function of Gut Microbiome",
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       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Molecular Biology"
       "field": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Life Sciences"
   "topic_share": [
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Digital Soil Mapping Techniques",
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       "subfield": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Environmental Engineering"
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         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
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         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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       "display_name": "Application of Morphological Analysis in Science and Technology",
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         "display_name": "Engineering"
       "domain": {
         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
       "id": "",
       "display_name": "Machine Learning for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping",
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