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   status_code: 200
   timestamp: '2023-09-30T17:16:45.294704'
   abstracts: []
   affiliations: []
   education: []
   expertise_terms: []
   honors: []
   - I am a scientist at the Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory.  I like to work
     on problems related to instrumentation and data quality.  If you have any queries
     please don't hesitate to contact me.
   name: Adam Ringler, Ph.D.
   name_qualifier: null
   orcid: 0000-0002-9839-4188
   organization_name: Earthquake Hazards Program
   personal_statement: "PublicationsRingler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, R. C. Aster, C.\
     \ J. Ammon, S. Arrowsmith, H. Benz, C. Ebeling, W. -Y. Kim, H. C. P. Lau, V.\
     \ Leki\u0107, P. G. Richards, D. P. Schaff, M. Vall\xE9e, and W. Yeck (2021).\
     \  Achievements and prospects of global broadband seismic networks after 30\
     \ years of continuous geophysical observations,in review.Ringler, A. T., R.\
     \ E. Anthony, P. Davis, K. Hafner, R. Mellors, S. Schneider, and D. C. Wilson\
     \ (2021).  Improved resolution across the Global Seismographic Network: A new\
     \ era in low-frequency seismology,in review.Anthony, R. E.,A. T. Ringler, and\
     \ D. C. Wilson (2021).  Seismic background noise levels across the Continental\
     \ United States from USArray Transportable Array: The influence of geology and\
     \ geopgraphy,in review.Yang, Y., X. Song, andA. T. Ringler(2021).  An evaluation\
     \ of the timing accuracy of global and regional seismic stations and networks,Seis.\
     \ Res. Lett., in press.Wilson, D. C., E. Wolin, W. Yeck, R. E. Anthony, andA.\
     \ T. Ringler(2021).  Modeling seismic network detection thresholds using production\
     \ picking algorithms,Seis. Res. Lett., in press.Ringler, A. T.and R. E. Anthony\
     \ (2021).  Local variations in broadband sensor installations: Orientations,\
     \ sensitivities, and noise levels,Pure Appl. Geophys., in press.Z\xFCrn, W.,\
     \ T. Forbriger, R. Widmer-Schnidrig, P. Duffner, andA. T. Ringler(2021).  Modeling\
     \ tilt noise caused by atmospheric processes at long periods for several horizontal\
     \ seismometers at BFO - A reprise,Geophys. J. Int., DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab336\
     \ [Link]Ringler, A. T., D. B. Mason, G. Laske, T. Storm, and M. Templeton (2021).\
     \  Why do my squiggles look funny? A gallery of compromised seismic signals,Seis.\
     \ Res. Lett., DOI: 10.1785/0220210094 [Link]Ringler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, C.\
     \ A. Dalton, and D. C. Wilson (2021).  Rayleigh-wave amplitude uncertainty across\
     \ the Global Seismographic Network and potential implications for global tomography,Bull.\
     \ Seis. Soc. Amer.,111(3), 1273-1292. [Link]Ringler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, D.\
     \ C. Wilson, D. Auerbach, S. Bargabus, P. Davis, M. Gunnels, K. Hafner, J. F.\
     \ Holland, A. Kearns, and E. Klimczak (2021).  A review of timing accuracy across\
     \ the Global Seismographic Network,Seis. Res. Lett.,92(4), 2270-2281 [Link]Anthony,\
     \ R. E.,A. T. Ringler, M. DuVernois, K. R. Anderson, and D. C. Wilson (2021).\
     \  Six decades of seismology at South Pole, Antarctica: Current limitiations\
     \ and future opportunities to facilitate new geophysical observations,Seis.\
     \ Res. Lett.,92(5), 2718-2735. [Link]Tape, C.,A. T. Ringler, and D. L. Hampton\
     \ (2020).  Recording the Aurora at seismometers across Alaska,Seis. Res. Lett.,91(6),\
     \ 3039-3053. [Link]Alejandro, A. C. B.,A. T. Ringler, D. C. Wilson, R. E. Anthony,\
     \ and S. V. Moore (2020).  Towards understanding relationships between atmo"
   professional_experience: []
   title: Physical Scientist