(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
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Line 1: |
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| role-title: 'Crew Lead: Louisiana Waterthrush & Worm-eating Warbler
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| Migration Study'
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date:
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
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| city: Chattanooga
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| region: TN
| |
| disambiguated-organization:
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| disambiguated-organization-identifier: '396644'
| |
| disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD
| |
| name: Tennessee River Gorge Trust
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employment/17714512
| |
| put-code: 17714512
| |
| role-title: Land Conservation and Bird Research Intern
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
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| source-name:
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| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
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| host: orcid.org
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| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
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| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
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| start-date:
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| day: null
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| month:
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| value: '06'
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| year:
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| value: '2018'
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| url: null
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| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653425360293
| |
| summaries:
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| - employment-summary:
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| created-date:
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| value: 1653425326046
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date:
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| day: null
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| value: 08
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| value: '2017'
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653425360293
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| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: Glasgow
| |
| country: US
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| region: Montana
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: U.S. Geological Survey
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employment/17714478
| |
| put-code: 17714478
| |
| role-title: 'Crew Lead: Breeding Bird Surveys'
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
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| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
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| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
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| day: null
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| month:
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| value: '05'
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| year:
| |
| value: '2017'
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| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
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| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653425154529
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| summaries:
| |
| - employment-summary:
| |
| created-date:
| |
| value: 1653425154529
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| department-name: null
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date:
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| day: null
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| month:
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| value: '11'
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| year:
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| value: '2016'
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653425154529
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| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: Moab
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Utah
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: University of Utah
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employment/17714461
| |
| put-code: 17714461
| |
| role-title: Bird Bander
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
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| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
| |
| day: null
| |
| month:
| |
| value: 08
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| year:
| |
| value: '2016'
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653425071683
| |
| summaries:
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| - employment-summary:
| |
| created-date:
| |
| value: 1653425071683
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| department-name: null
| |
| display-index: '1'
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| end-date:
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| day: null
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| month:
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| value: 08
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| year:
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| value: '2016'
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| external-ids: null
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653425071683
| |
| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: Inyo County
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: California
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: U.S. Forest Service
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employment/17714453
| |
| put-code: 17714453
| |
| role-title: Backcountry Trail Crew Volunteer
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
| |
| day: null
| |
| month:
| |
| value: '06'
| |
| year:
| |
| value: '2016'
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
| |
| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653425824298
| |
| summaries:
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| - employment-summary:
| |
| created-date:
| |
| value: 1653424935590
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| department-name: null
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date:
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| month:
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| value: '06'
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653425824298
| |
| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: 'Flagstaff '
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Arizona
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: American Conservation Experience
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employment/17714440
| |
| put-code: 17714440
| |
| role-title: 'Leadership Development Member: AmeriCorps '
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
| |
| day: null
| |
| month:
| |
| value: '01'
| |
| year:
| |
| value: '2016'
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
| |
| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653423580736
| |
| summaries:
| |
| - employment-summary:
| |
| created-date:
| |
| value: 1653423560898
| |
| department-name: Center for Wild Bird Rehabilitation and Falconry Education
| |
| display-index: '1'
| |
| end-date:
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| day: null
| |
| month: null
| |
| year:
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| value: '2016'
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| external-ids: null
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653423580736
| |
| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: Quechee
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Vermont
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: Vermont Institute of Natural Science
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employment/17714310
| |
| put-code: 17714310
| |
| role-title: 'Wildlife Keeper and Environmental Educator '
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
| |
| day: null
| |
| month: null
| |
| year:
| |
| value: '2015'
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653422979882
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| summaries:
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| - employment-summary:
| |
| created-date:
| |
| value: 1653422979882
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| department-name: Arts & Sciences
| |
| display-index: '1'
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| end-date:
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| day: null
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| month: null
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| year:
| |
| value: '2015'
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653422979882
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| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: Farmville
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Virginia
| |
| disambiguated-organization:
| |
| disambiguated-organization-identifier: https://ror.org/01awv9175
| |
| disambiguation-source: ROR
| |
| name: Longwood University
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employment/17714262
| |
| put-code: 17714262
| |
| role-title: 'Research Assistant: Status of Avian Populations Using Citizen
| |
| Science Data'
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
| |
| day: null
| |
| month: null
| |
| year:
| |
| value: '2013'
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653428398928
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/employments
| |
| fundings:
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| group:
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| external-id: []
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| funding-summary:
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| value: 1653427405673
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date: null
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653427603190
| |
| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: 'Farmville '
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Virginia
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: Perspectives on Research in Science & Mathematics
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/funding/1360375
| |
| put-code: 1360375
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date: null
| |
| title:
| |
| title:
| |
| value: Effects of Urbanization on Birds of the Southeastern United
| |
| States
| |
| translated-title: null
| |
| type: grant
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653427603190
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| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
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| funding-summary:
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| value: 1653427580100
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date: null
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653427580100
| |
| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: Farmville
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Virginia
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: 'Margaret H. Watson Bird Club '
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/funding/1360379
| |
| put-code: 1360379
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
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| assertion-origin-name: null
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| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
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| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date: null
| |
| title:
| |
| title:
| |
| value: Status of Common Wintering Birds in the Central Piedmont of
| |
| Virginia
| |
| translated-title: null
| |
| type: grant
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653427580100
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653427603190
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| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/fundings
| |
| memberships:
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| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
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| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653428011616
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| summaries:
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| - membership-summary:
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| created-date:
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| value: 1653428011616
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| end-date: null
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653428011616
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| organization:
| |
| address:
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| city: Blacksburg
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| country: US
| |
| region: Virginia
| |
| disambiguated-organization:
| |
| disambiguated-organization-identifier: https://ror.org/00a4fk439
| |
| disambiguation-source: ROR
| |
| name: Phycological Society of America
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/membership/17714707
| |
| put-code: 17714707
| |
| role-title: null
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
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| day: null
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| month: null
| |
| year:
| |
| value: '2022'
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
| |
| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653428139844
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| summaries:
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| - membership-summary:
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| created-date:
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| value: 1653428139844
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| department-name: null
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date: null
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653428139844
| |
| organization:
| |
| address:
| |
| city: Arlington
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Virginia
| |
| disambiguated-organization:
| |
| disambiguated-organization-identifier: https://ror.org/0563w1497
| |
| disambiguation-source: ROR
| |
| name: The Nature Conservancy
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/membership/17714724
| |
| put-code: 17714724
| |
| role-title: null
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
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| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
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| day: null
| |
| month: null
| |
| year:
| |
| value: '2018'
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
| |
| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653427992548
| |
| summaries:
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| - membership-summary:
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| created-date:
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| value: 1653427907264
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| department-name: null
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| display-index: '1'
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| end-date:
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| day: null
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| month: null
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| year:
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| value: '2016'
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| external-ids: null
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| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653427992548
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| organization:
| |
| address:
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| city: Bethesda
| |
| country: US
| |
| region: Maryland
| |
| disambiguated-organization: null
| |
| name: The Wildlife Society
| |
| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/membership/17714697
| |
| put-code: 17714697
| |
| role-title: null
| |
| source:
| |
| assertion-origin-client-id: null
| |
| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
| |
| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
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| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| start-date:
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| day: null
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| month: null
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| year:
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| value: '2013'
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| url: null
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| visibility: public
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653428139844
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| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/memberships
| |
| works:
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| group:
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| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
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| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653427814437
| |
| work-summary:
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| - created-date:
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| value: 1653427814437
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| display-index: '1'
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| external-ids:
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| external-id: []
| |
| journal-title:
| |
| value: Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting
| |
| last-modified-date:
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| value: 1653427814437
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| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/work/113517070
| |
| publication-date:
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| day: null
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| month: null
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| year:
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| value: '2022'
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| put-code: 113517070
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| source:
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| assertion-origin-client-id: null
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| assertion-origin-name: null
| |
| assertion-origin-orcid: null
| |
| source-client-id: null
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| source-name:
| |
| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| title:
| |
| subtitle: null
| |
| title:
| |
| value: Integrating hydrological monitoring and modeling to assess
| |
| the accuracy of satellite-derived inundation mapping of prairie
| |
| pothole wetlands
| |
| translated-title: null
| |
| type: conference-abstract
| |
| url: null
| |
| visibility: public
| |
| - external-ids:
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| external-id: []
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653427760887
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| work-summary:
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| - created-date:
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| value: 1653427760887
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| display-index: '1'
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| external-ids:
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| external-id: []
| |
| journal-title:
| |
| value: Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting
| |
| last-modified-date:
| |
| value: 1653427760887
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| path: /0000-0002-9125-1424/work/113517062
| |
| publication-date:
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| day: null
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| month: null
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| year:
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| value: '2022'
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| put-code: 113517062
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| source:
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| assertion-origin-client-id: null
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| assertion-origin-name: null
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| assertion-origin-orcid: null
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| source-client-id: null
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| source-name:
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| value: Caryn Ross
| |
| source-orcid:
| |
| host: orcid.org
| |
| path: 0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| uri: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9125-1424
| |
| title:
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| value: 'The effects of urbanization on winter avian diversity: a citizen
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| value: Both Citizen Science Data and Field Surveys Detect Negative
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| value: Annual Cicada Species Response to a Total Solar Eclipse
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| value: 'Effects of Changing Urban Extent on Avian Diversity: A GIS
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| value: Effects of Urban Growth on Winter Avian Diversity
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| title:
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| value: Effects of Urbanization on Birds of the Southeastern United
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| States
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| value: Long-term Population Dynamics and Trends of Common Wintering
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| Birds in Central Virginia
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| title:
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| title:
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| value: Status of Common Wintering Birds in the Central Piedmont of
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| Virginia
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| content: "My passion for conservation biology continues to grow, particularly\
| |
| \ in the field of ornithology. My area of interest involves the use of avian\
| |
| \ citizen science data to assess long-term population dynamics while creating\
| |
| \ ways to facilitate scientific and public communication. From training\
| |
| \ and experiences teaching, I\u2019ve adopted a student-centered and place-based\
| |
| \ pedagogy. Most recent career experiences have led to an interest in wetland\
| |
| \ ecology and system dynamics modeling."
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