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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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      name: Compositional analysis of formation water geochemistry and microbiology
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        of commercial and carbon dioxide-rich wells in the southwestern United States
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      name: Carbon dioxide mineralization feasibility in the United States
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          "abstract": "Christina DeVera is a Physical Scientist with the USGS Geology, Energy & Minerals (GEM) Science Center in Reston, VA.",
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          "abstract": "Christina received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology concentrating in environmental and conservation science from George Mason University in 2010. Since joining the USGS in 2009, Christina has been a part of numerous research efforts including methanogenesis studies, the CO2 Geologic Sequestration Assessment Project, hydraulic fracturing and effects on human health, studying microbial communities in natural CO2 systems within the United States, and more recently, source rocks in North Slope Alaska. Presently, her research is focused on driving factors of microbial communities within naturally occurring CO2 systems within the United States and gamma ray spectroscopy of source rocks in North Slope Alaska. Christina is also the LIMS Coordinator and Collateral Duty Safety Program Coordinator for GEMSC.\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b",
      name: "Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage\
          "additionalType": "personal statement"
        \ resources\u2014Atlantic Coastal Plain and Eastern Mesozoic Rift Basins"
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      name: 'Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage
        resources: Permian and Palo Duro Basins and Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin: Chapter
        K in <i>Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage
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       name: "Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage\
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         \ resources\u2500South Florida Basin: Chapter L in <i>Geologic framework for\
          "startDate": "2024-05-12T16:16:12.145197"
        \ the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources</i>"
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      name: 'Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage
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         resources: Williston Basin, Central Montana Basins, and Montana Thrust Belt
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         resources: Columbia Basin of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and the Western
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         Oregon-Washington basins'
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         "startDate": "2024-05-12T16:16:12.142338"
        propertyID: doi
        value: 10.3133/ofr20131055
       "name": "Christina A. DeVera",
      name: 'National assessment of geologic carbon dioxide storage resources: methodology
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         resources: Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska:
        Chapter B in <i>Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide
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        storage resources</i>'
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    name: U.S. Geological Survey
          "name": "Compositional analysis of formation water geochemistry and microbiology of commercial and carbon dioxide-rich wells in the southwestern United States"
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USGS Staff Profile:
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          "name": "Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources\u2014Atlantic Coastal Plain and Eastern Mesozoic Rift Basins"
    abstract: Christina DeVera is a Physical Scientist with the USGS Geology, Energy
      & Minerals (GEM) Science Center in Reston, VA.
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      \ in environmental and conservation science from George Mason University in\
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      \ 2010. Since joining the USGS in 2009, Christina has been a part of numerous\
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      \ research efforts including methanogenesis studies, the CO2 Geologic Sequestration\
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      \ Assessment Project, hydraulic fracturing and effects on human health, studying\
      \ microbial communities in natural CO2 systems within the United States, and\
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      \ more recently, source rocks in North Slope Alaska. Presently, her research\
      \ is focused on driving factors of microbial communities within naturally occurring\
      \ CO2 systems within the United States and gamma ray spectroscopy of source\
          "@id": "",
      \ rocks in North Slope Alaska. Christina is also the LIMS Coordinator and Collateral\
          "@type": "CreativeWork",
      \ Duty Safety Program Coordinator for GEMSC.\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B"
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      Science Center, Reston, VA'
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   name: Christina A. DeVera
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          "name": "Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources: Columbia Basin of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and the Western Oregon-Washington basins"
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          "name": "National assessment of geologic carbon dioxide storage resources: methodology implementation"
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          "name": "Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources: Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska: Chapter B in <i>Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources</i>"
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         "abstract": "Christina received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology concentrating in environmental and conservation science from George Mason University in 2010. Since joining the USGS in 2009, Christina has been a part of numerous research efforts including methanogenesis studies, the CO2 Geologic Sequestration Assessment Project, hydraulic fracturing and effects on human health, studying microbial communities in natural CO2 systems within the United States, and more recently, source rocks in North Slope Alaska. Presently, her research is focused on driving factors of microbial communities within naturally occurring CO2 systems within the United States and gamma ray spectroscopy of source rocks in North Slope Alaska. Christina is also the LIMS Coordinator and Collateral Duty Safety Program Coordinator for GEMSC.\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b",
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         "name": "March 2016 - Present: Physical Scientist, USGS Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center, Reston, VA"
         "@type": "Occupation",
         "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
         "name": "December 2009 - March 2016: Physical Science Technician, USGS Eastern Energy Resources Science Center, Reston, VA"
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