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USGS Staff Profile:
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     abstract: Research Ecologist with the Cooperative Research Units
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    abstract: Unit Leader - Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
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       "affiliation": [],
    abstract: "\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200BDr. Converse received graduate\
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       \ degrees from the University of Nebraska and Colorado State University. She\
       \ then completed a postdoctoral position at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center\
          "@type": "TextObject",
      \ before accepting a permanent position with USGS at Patuxent, where she led\
          "abstract": "Research Ecologist with the Cooperative Research Units",
      \ a research program for 10 years focused on endangered species conservation,\
          "additionalType": "short description"
      \ decision science, and quantitative ecology. In 2017 she became the Unit Leader\
      \ of the Washington Unit at University of Washington, where she serves as an\
      \ Associate Professor. Her research focuses on the development and application\
          "@type": "TextObject",
      \ of methods to understand the functioning of populations and to improve their\
          "abstract": "Unit Leader - Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit",
      \ management. She works across a broad variety of taxa: terrestrial birds, seabirds,\
          "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement"
      \ marine mammals, amphibians, and others. Her research projects tend to reflect\
      \ two primary themes: (1) development and application of quantitative methods\
      \ in population ecology, particularly for small and declining populations; and\
          "@type": "TextObject",
      \ (2) development and application of decision-analytic methods to inform management\
          "abstract": "\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bDr. Converse received graduate degrees from the University of Nebraska and Colorado State University. She then completed a postdoctoral position at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center before accepting a permanent position with USGS at Patuxent, where she led a research program for 10 years focused on endangered species conservation, decision science, and quantitative ecology. In 2017 she became the Unit Leader of the Washington Unit at University of Washington, where she serves as an Associate Professor. Her research focuses on the development and application of methods to understand the functioning of populations and to improve their management. She works across a broad variety of taxa: terrestrial birds, seabirds, marine mammals, amphibians, and others. Her research projects tend to reflect two primary themes: (1) development and application of quantitative methods in population ecology, particularly for small and declining populations; and (2) development and application of decision-analytic methods to inform management of populations. Sarah collaborates extensively with managers in federal and state agencies, and she works internationally, with current research projects located in Europe, New Zealand, French Polynesia, and the Arctic. Sarah teaches graduate courses in statistics and demographic analysis, and teaches professional and graduate courses on decision analysis. Sarah is active in efforts to increase equity and justice in her professional community.RECENT HONORS AND AWARDSConference Best Paper Award, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Outer Continental Shelf energy development team, 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership, 2009Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, 2009Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Northeast Region Fisheries Program, 2008CURRENT TRAINING ACTIVITIESInstructor: Training for Effective Conservation Translocation (with IUCN Reintroduction Specialist Group), workshop venuesInstructor: Integrated Population Modeling (with Drs. Marc Kery and Michael Schaub), workshop venuesInstructor: Introduction to Structured Decision Making, National Conservation Training CenterASSOCIATED POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHERSDr. Nathan Hostetter, Improved Design and Analysis of Polar Bear Population Studies (2016-Present)Dr. Jonathan Cummings, Landscape Level Population Modeling as a Decision Support Tool for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken  (2014-Present, w/Dr. Dave Smith, USGS Leetown Science Center)Dr. Sabrina Servanty, Population Viability of the Eastern Migratory Population of Whooping Cranes (2009-2013, w/Dr. Larissa Bailey, Colorado State University)ASSOCIATED STUDENTSDr. Stefano Canessa, Decision Theory for Reintroductions  (2011-2015, w/Drs. Mick McCarthy and Kirsten Parris, University of Melbourne)Ms. Megan Brown, Causes of Poor Fertility i",
      \ of populations. Sarah collaborates extensively with managers in federal and\
          "additionalType": "personal statement"
      \ state agencies, and she works internationally, with current research projects\
      \ located in Europe, New Zealand, French Polynesia, and the Arctic. Sarah teaches\
      \ graduate courses in statistics and demographic analysis, and teaches professional\
      "email": "",
      \ and graduate courses on decision analysis. Sarah is active in efforts to increase\
      "hasCredential": [
      \ equity and justice in her professional community.RECENT HONORS AND AWARDSConference\
      \ Best Paper Award, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,\
          "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
      \ 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Outer Continental Shelf\
          "name": "Ph.D. Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University (2005)"
      \ energy development team, 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with\
      \ Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership, 2009Department of Interior STAR Award,\
      \ for work with Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, 2009Department of Interior\
          "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
      \ STAR Award, for work with Northeast Region Fisheries Program, 2008CURRENT\
          "name": "M.S. Natural Resource Sciences, University of Nebraska (1999)"
      \ TRAINING ACTIVITIESInstructor: Training for Effective Conservation Translocation\
      \ (with IUCN Reintroduction Specialist Group), workshop venuesInstructor: Integrated\
      \ Population Modeling (with Drs. Marc Kery and Michael Schaub), workshop venuesInstructor:\
          "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
      \ Introduction to Structured Decision Making, National Conservation Training\
          "name": "B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University (1996)"
      \ CenterASSOCIATED POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHERSDr. Nathan Hostetter, Improved Design\
      \ and Analysis of Polar Bear Population Studies (2016-Present)Dr. Jonathan Cummings,\
      \ Landscape Level Population Modeling as a Decision Support Tool for the Lesser\
      "hasOccupation": [
      \ Prairie-Chicken  (2014-Present, w/Dr. Dave Smith, USGS Leetown Science Center)Dr.\
      \ Sabrina Servanty, Population Viability of the Eastern Migratory Population\
          "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
      \ of Whooping Cranes (2009-2013, w/Dr. Larissa Bailey, Colorado State University)ASSOCIATED\
          "affiliatedOrganization": {
      \ STUDENTSDr. Stefano Canessa, Decision Theory for Reintroductions  (2011-2015,\
            "@type": "Organization",
      \ w/Drs. Mick McCarthy and Kirsten Parris, University of Melbourne)Ms. Megan\
            "name": "Cooperative Research Units",
      \ Brown, Causes of Poor Fertility i"
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  name: Sarah J  Converse, PhD
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Latest revision as of 19:36, 30 August 2024


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         "abstract": "Unit Leader - Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit",
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         "abstract": "\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bDr. Converse received graduate degrees from the University of Nebraska and Colorado State University. She then completed a postdoctoral position at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center before accepting a permanent position with USGS at Patuxent, where she led a research program for 10 years focused on endangered species conservation, decision science, and quantitative ecology. In 2017 she became the Unit Leader of the Washington Unit at University of Washington, where she serves as an Associate Professor. Her research focuses on the development and application of methods to understand the functioning of populations and to improve their management. She works across a broad variety of taxa: terrestrial birds, seabirds, marine mammals, amphibians, and others. Her research projects tend to reflect two primary themes: (1) development and application of quantitative methods in population ecology, particularly for small and declining populations; and (2) development and application of decision-analytic methods to inform management of populations. Sarah collaborates extensively with managers in federal and state agencies, and she works internationally, with current research projects located in Europe, New Zealand, French Polynesia, and the Arctic. Sarah teaches graduate courses in statistics and demographic analysis, and teaches professional and graduate courses on decision analysis. Sarah is active in efforts to increase equity and justice in her professional community.RECENT HONORS AND AWARDSConference Best Paper Award, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Outer Continental Shelf energy development team, 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership, 2009Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, 2009Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Northeast Region Fisheries Program, 2008CURRENT TRAINING ACTIVITIESInstructor: Training for Effective Conservation Translocation (with IUCN Reintroduction Specialist Group), workshop venuesInstructor: Integrated Population Modeling (with Drs. Marc Kery and Michael Schaub), workshop venuesInstructor: Introduction to Structured Decision Making, National Conservation Training CenterASSOCIATED POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHERSDr. Nathan Hostetter, Improved Design and Analysis of Polar Bear Population Studies (2016-Present)Dr. Jonathan Cummings, Landscape Level Population Modeling as a Decision Support Tool for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken  (2014-Present, w/Dr. Dave Smith, USGS Leetown Science Center)Dr. Sabrina Servanty, Population Viability of the Eastern Migratory Population of Whooping Cranes (2009-2013, w/Dr. Larissa Bailey, Colorado State University)ASSOCIATED STUDENTSDr. Stefano Canessa, Decision Theory for Reintroductions   (2011-2015, w/Drs. Mick McCarthy and Kirsten Parris, University of Melbourne)Ms. Megan Brown, Causes of Poor Fertility i",
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         "name": "M.S. Natural Resource Sciences, University of Nebraska (1999)"
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